The odd man out

The second world war seldom means anything more to the average Indian than a rather important chapter in a history text book. A war that took place too far away for it to leave any lasting marks on the Indian psyche or landmass, save for remote parts of the North East. In this context it is not surprising that Junichiro Koizumi's recent visit to the Yasukuni Shrine received little, if any, coverage in the local media.

The shrine is a tribute to over 2 million japanese who have laid down their lives for the country in various wars from 1869. Since the end of the war it has been a privately run institution and is under the watch of Shinto priests. This is in itself is nothing alarming. Most countries have a meticulously maintained memorial to its martyrs. What makes Yasukuni so controverial is a memorial to 14 Japanese martyrs from World War 2. All 14 Class A war criminals prosecuted by an Alllied war crimes tribunal.

Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine is emblematic of the Japanese diffidence to accept many of the realities of its defeat in world war II. If the memorial itself was not unsettling enough, Prime Minister Koizumi makes annual visits to the Shrine, the latest being on 17th October. While he calls the visits personal and not to be linked to his official duties, that has not helped ruffled feathers in China, Korea and other parts of the world.

The Weekly Wayback however was able to find an interesting Indian connection to this story. To better understand this we need to go back to May 1946 when the International Military Tribunal of the Far East (IMTFE) was convened to try Japanese war crimes. The tribunal comprised of judges and prosecutors from the 11 victorious countries, including India, under the stewardship of Chief Prosecutor Joseph Keenan of the USA.

Mr. Keenan led a tribunal that since has been alleged with American bias and with ignoring possible allied war crimes. Critics also point out that Emperor Hirohito was left untouched and Japanese war crimes in China and Korea received inadequate coverage.

When the tribunal closed in November of 1948 it had sentenced 7 defendants to death by hanging and 16 more to life imprisonment. The former included war-time prime minister Hideki Tojo. The tribunal was unanimous in most judgements. Save for one judge who went to the extent of trashing the legitimacy of the tribunal itself. In a rather startling move Justice Radhabinod Pal of India labelled the tribunal as mere "victor's justice".

A lecturer of law from Calcutta University, Radhbinod Pal seems as much an enigma today as he was then. Google throws up a number of links when you search for his name but most merely indicate Justice Pal as the sole dissenting voice in the IMTFE. Some more diligence reveals his 1200-page ruling to be a path breaker in international law. One that questioned the legitimacy of unilateral tribunals in serving justice.

Justice Radhabinod Pal is probably yet another figure in Indian history who is hardly written or spoken about. Ashish Nandy's "The Savage Freud" was the only work the author could find that studied this "Odd man out' in any depth. It may make interesting reading. While there maybe opinions for and against Justice Pal's ruling he surely deserves to be remembered as a non-conformist who held his own. And in this age of trading old friendships for nuclear-powered new ones it is a good memory to have.



  1. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    what does TWW stand for?
    sidin, dont open your new blog with this article.
    hopelessly boring.

    Anonymous said...
    tww stands for the weekly wayback?

    do me a favour. can u delete these comments by any chance?
    while i find my wayback.
    Anonymous said...
    Sidin dude
    better stick to humor
    Golu said...
    Hey Sidin! I dont know abt the others..but I didn't find it boring!! No Im not being diplomatic/polite/blah blah blah :)

    Of course as someone said DO not stop the humour on your other blog
    Anonymous said...
    Look back to the news a few months back when the chineese students held protests outside the Japaneese Embassy in Beijing. Most of the Chineese that i have met hate the Japaneese with a passion which is completely absent from the attitude of the French towards the Germans. Eventhough the Chineese and the French were subjected to attrocities by the Japanese and Germans during WW1, Europe seems to have moved on unlike asia.

    As the saying goes.. the winner writes the history. No tribunal was ever set up for the trial of Allied forces. In fairness, the allies never had any gas chambers, but more than made up for it with an A-bomb. Surely it ended the war, but the end result was the same. Lost civilian lives.

    What any theatre of war would bring about is that people try to defend their freedom and the right to determination at any cost, but as Radhabinod Pal rightly pointed out, victor gets to dish out 'justice'.

    A good movie about this is "To End All Wars". It shows the lives of British POWs in a Japaneese camp.

    Nice post. But could you invoke a response more deep than 'hmm..interesting'??


    Lucifer said...
    intersting blog .. and informative too .. will surely look up both ur blogs from now on ..
    Arun Cavale said...
    I wonder if you are extending the brand "Sidin" to unrelated categories...Ries and Trout would crucify any kind of brand extensions, and if you are a believer in the "Person as a brand" theory, then you may want to ask urself if this is a good thing...maybe u want to run this blog under a different pseudonym or something...what say?
    Admin said...
    Do you know that there is a Japanese memorial in Manipur, and also a INA(Indian National Army) and the first Tricolor ever flown by a free India was in Manipur. and MOST other indians think manipur to be either in Nepal or maybe Burma and that manipuris are Nepalis. And yet they keep asking why do the manipuris want a separate country. You said food for thought. It was food for thought. Of course i hardly mention about manipur politics on my blog. Maybe i will start..
    Anonymous said...
    Interesting write up.

    It shows that apna justice was the only one with balls ;-)

    Hope TWW would be as interesting in the days to come.

    Anonymous said... need to punch fire in your articles....
    Hitanshu said...
    @everyone: This is Sidin's way of writing what he *wishes* to write. That doesnt necessarily mean boorish comments are welcome.

    There's a fine dividing line between speaking your mind and useless feedback. Let's give our man his space, shall we?

    PS: I liked it. Interesting stuff!
    Meghna said...
    Its interesting stuff. But mainly factual. Maybe you can give us some more insight. Or maybe you meant it this way.
    Anonymous said...
    Jim Carey did a similar thing when he did 'The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' after all those comedies

    Unknown said...
    A rather subdued attempt at an opening? You can and should add more punch in future posts.

    You will lose some readers(with the new blog) and gain some.

    The very-thoughtful-looking picture looks fine for TWW, but doesn't got well with Domain Maximus.
    Anonymous said...
    finally some direction to ur writing. ur sense of humor's good. but tis nice to see you exploring new horizons.
    Amit Pandey said...
    Good Work Sidin, at last the intellectual in you finally comes to fore..

    That the North East region remains an enigma to us 'Mainland' Indians is really a shame...Hardly are the Seven Sisters, taught in the School/Colleges or discussed in the mainstream media. The strategic or historical Importance of the region remains neglected.

    The uproar over Japanese PM visit to the shrine remains a domestic issue which is being sought by the Chinese/Korean Government to deflect attention and let out steam. As they say " It's better to have them inside the tent, pissing out than outside the tent, pissing in."

    Hope you continue writing on such topics which are anathema to most bloggers...Noam Chomsky would certainly be proud !!!
    Anonymous said...
    The war in itself was by no means just, it's probably asking too much for the post war justice to be so.

    I am by no means condoning such a victor's justice, but given the anger and hatred that people would carry for their vanquished enemy just after the war, one can't see how a different justice could be arrived at.

    I do not think that we, as a race, are yet civil and mature enough for this to be any other way, for if this were possible, there might not have been a war in the first place.
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Sidin,
    I think your blogs are hyper-interesting and shed light on issues we need to discuss more. :)
    This new blog is a great way to pepper up the other lighter one.
    Makes my ten-minute-surfing-between-work very rewarding/informative. Atleast I'll go to bed slightly more informed than yesterday...
    Aumkar Nur said...
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Aumkar Nur said...
    Great Blog....
    tho its hard to imagine Sidin as serious....
    but great as usual....
    for more mundane stuff do log on to
    Shameless publicity!!!
    shrikanth said...
    hi sidin,
    make it twice a week
    Anonymous said...
    Humor in the other blog and interesting stuff on this one. Sidin, you rock buddy!!

    I enjoyed this blog as much as I enjoyed the other one.

    Looking forward to more such blogs!
    Anonymous said...
    you should use your articles and try to link certain stuff wikipedia articles. It might make the read more interesting. Good find though.
    Ambar said...
    This must have taken some research from you! Seriously, have you thought of contributing it to wikipedia?
    Anonymous said...
    Excellent piece. Very interesting.
    Anonymous said...
    Interesting. There is no 'post-war justice', it has always been 'I win, you die'.
    Anonymous said...
    Very interesting dude.. waiting for the next dose
    Admin said...
    After reading amit pandey's comment on the north east being an Enigma..i guess it was a rply to my comments. thanx amit, and aftre few of my readers wanted me to post some articles on th NE. i have dedicated a blog to manipur. Hope you they are usefull to you.


    I am not selling anything here. :-)
    Admin said...
    the tag didn't work. The post is
    Admin said...
    something is wromg with the comments. it is
    Sankalp said...
    interesting post,informative too given my interest in ww2.

    keep up the good work.maybe you should rename the blog to 'The Monthly Wayback'.
    Anonymous said...
    dude better rename cos no way this things gonna remain weekly!
    Anonymous said...
    it was an OK post. don't mind the retards who came here looking for comedy.
    Anonymous said...
    Looks like you are a fan of Hugh Heffener. He published the first copy of Playboy without knowing when the next issue was coming ...Similar fate for your Weekly/Quarterly/Yearly Wayback ???
    Anonymous said...
    And somebody dared to name it "Weekly" !!
    Anonymous said...
    Sidin-Pls Ignore the philistines who dont give a crap for anything except for the latest "Harry Anand" remix.
    This is an excellent effort by you and is a laudable endeavor.

    I find the article very fascinating(I hope there are more to come).Pls Keep Writing.
    Anonymous said...
    err..served fresh every 7 days and the last one is on Oct 18..Are u getting stretched between work and two blogs..but know what....WE WILL WAIT...But do ensure quality o posts..
    typeOnegative said...
    Slotted the comment against the wrong post. So here it is (where it should have gone in the first place).:

    WRT to Japanese war crimes in China going unpunished. It may also be noted that war crimes perpetrated by Allied troops resulted in very lenient or no sentences at all. There was also this article/page I was reading about some concentration camp guards who went unpunished because the inmates were German. :( Well, the world is a cruel place.

    P.S. I like this new blog Sidin. It is a bit more, 'serious'.

    Anonymous said...
    now this is what i call a post...not the self immolating stuff on the other blog...not to say that its not funny...

    yeah...the Japs have never truely come around...
    "Nanjing Massacre" is one of the worse genocides of WWII...esp. considering the lengths to which the invading Jap army went in inventing terrifying and inhumane ways of killing
    ...but rarely is it as given much publicity as the Jewish Holocaust..probably because there are very few survivors...or probably because western media is very inward looking...

    ..just hit google and you will be taken to some really thought provoking articles...

    ...and where is justice in war...tribunals are just a way of moving on...
    tetsujin said...
    Well, let's not broad stroke this. There are many Japanese who find the shrine visits at least troubling, if not silly sabre rattling. Others see it for what it is, a crass political play. For reasons that you mention (the broader reasons for the shrine to exist)few are going to complain about Koizumi's visits.

    Though, if we're being realistic, the Allied bombing of Japanese cities, resulting in the death of about half the nation's population, would certainly have qualified Allied generals for war criminal status -- if they'd lost.
    Anonymous said...
    I thought I should share this with you - I am writing an article on Radha Binod Pal and H.R.Khanna - authors of the greatest dissenting judgements of this half of the century. Impossible to get too much info on Pal. By the way, each of the Allies sent 2 representatives to Tokyo - one as a prosecutor and one as a judge.
    The Indian prosecutor who accompanied Pal was P.Govinda Menon. My grandfather.
    Tanya said...
    Very much informative and coherent blog!
    Anonymous said...
    Try to write in ur mother tongue quit english and their language.Happy Gandhi Jayanthi ! Proud to an Indian

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